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“Wow is all I can say!! Big shout out to my girl Leslie Martin. I started training with her in June when I was at the heaviest I’ve ever been. The change in my face alone speaks volumes. For the first time in my life I actually look forward to working out. This girl knows how to motivate us and the results just speak for themselves! Let’s see what the next 4 months can bring!”

- Ashley Hall


So thankful for Leslie Marie Martin. This transformation is one to document as I never thought I could have muscles

I am so appreciative of her time, knowledge, and patience. I couldn’t thank you enough

- Caitlyn Barber

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“I’ve been working out on my own and as part of fitness programs my entire adult life. I’ve worked with several terrific trainers. Leslie definitely is one of the most knowledgeable trainers I have had.  Her professional training and understanding of the body and form are evident. She was the first one to make real adjustments to my form to protect my knees and back on exercises like burpees and heavy squats.  She also made adjustments to my bench presses which enabled me to utilize more of my power and strength.

Leslie is super fun, and her workouts are different, challenging me in ways my body needed.  She is great!”

-Yvonne Turchetti 

“I started working out with Leslie as a sophomore in high school with no experience in a gym and limited self confidence as it related to my strength. The transformation that I underwent both physically and mentally due to her persistence, knowledge and motivating personality helped me grow significantly. Not only did I learn proper technique and strength training skills, but Leslie also introduced me to nutrition concepts that I had not explored before. The amount of skills that I took away from my time with her are ones that I can continue to use throughout my life. I am forever thankful for the time, attention and dedication that she gave to me and everyone who she trains.”

-Lexie Boucher

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“I started training with Leslie when I was a freshman in high school and she has helped me improve my athletic performance as well as my overall health and eating habits. She is a great role model for me in not only training but her life goals as well. Leslie did a great job identifying my strengths and weaknesses and she would create workouts that applied to what I needed to work on. She always made sure that I was pushing myself and using my full ability in every workout. Leslie was a huge influence on my athletic career, and my health and wellness. I am extremely grateful for the opportunities that I received from Leslie and the success that she has led me to.”

-Sarah Paige

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“Most of the time that I spent training with Leslie, I was an adaptive athlete with a major hip injury.  She was always able to adapt my workouts (individual and group) so that I was still getting my best workout in , but in a way that did not exacerbate my injury.  When I finally ended up getting corrective surgery for my injury my doctors, nurses, and physical therapists could not believe the level of my overall health considering the severity of my injury and I attribute that to the training that I received training with Leslie.  It also helped me recover from major surgery lickety split. When she created a fit family class that got me into the gym more and also set up a healthy example for my children. My kids ADORED working out with Leslie and my daughter (who in any other environment would totally refuse to do anything physical) still asks me to send Leslie updates on her pushups and other feats of strength.  To say that Leslie made a lasting impression on my family is an understatement! We miss her so much! Once you train with Leslie, any other gym experience will pale in comparison. She is fun and funny, yes, but don't let that fool you :) she is such a wealth of knowledge and will push you to your highest potential, all the while making sure that your technique is on point to avoid injury.  I highly recommend training with Leslie!”

-Heidi Annalisa Bohne Andrejkovics